The Dos and Don't of Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rentals

The Dos and Don't of Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rentals

Are you screening guests for your vacation rentals? If not, it's time you started.

Picture this:

A guest checks in to your luxury vacation rental for a one-week stay. You're happy to bank the rental income, but unbeknownst to you, horror awaits. After the guest checks out, you discover extensive damage to the tune of $5,000.

Your vacation rental insurer might pick the tab, but there's no doubt that the situation was avoidable. With some screening, you can keep bad guests away from your short-term rental.

In this guide, our focus is on the dos and don'ts of vacation rental guest screening.

DO List Your Rental on Reputable Platforms

There are several vacation rental platforms, but they aren't created equal. Some have more robust built-in guest screening systems. This is why it's crucial to ensure you're listing your property on well-established, reputable platforms.

Airbnb, for example, verifies user identity and enables hosts to leave reviews. Bad guests are quickly flagged and barred from using the service. This gives Airbnb hosts confidence that they're getting quality guests every time.

DON'T Ignore Basic Red Flags

If your vacation property is available off the vacation rental sites, it's your responsibility to screen guests.

You don't need to invest in high-end guest screening technology to catch bad guests. There are red flags to look out for in guests.

For instance, if someone has made a booking and they live in the area, that should raise eyebrows. There's a chance they want to use the address for criminal activity.

Don't ignore red flags. Probe the guest further before making a decision.

DO Use a Guest Screening Service

Screening guests isn't an easy job for vacation rental hosts. If your rental is ever busy, you might be so focused on housekeeping duties that you don't have time to examine a guest's history.

Thankfully, there are guest screening services that will take the task off your hands. They will integrate their software into your own vacation rental booking website and screen guests behind the scenes. The service will flag risky bookings, but you'll still have the power to accept or cancel the booking.

DON'T Fail to Install Noise Monitoring Devices

Even with guest screening, bad guests will find their way into the property from time to time. It's not too late to mitigate some risks.

Installing noise detection devices in the rental, for example, can help catch partying guests. You can then remind your guests of the no-party policy and even cancel their stay if they ignore your warning.

Screening Guests for Your Vacation Rentals the Right Way

Screening guests for your vacation rentals might seem like a chore, but it's necessary. It's how you'll keep guests who are likely to cause property damage, engage in criminal activity, or make excessive noise away from your short-term rental.

Would you like to take a hands-free approach to managing your vacation rental? If it is located in Dallas, TX, contact PMI Big Tex, a local short-term rental property management firm.
